D. Aesthetic banner company

D. Aesthetic

Employees · Other industries

About D. Aesthetic

  1. Korea CAK holistic needle-less anti-aging specialist. Variety of treatments to overcome face wrinkles, dark circles, acne marks, freckles, and to reduce facial fats as well as to whiten and improve facial skin quality, etc.
  2. Body slimming, body contouring, body fat burning and muscle building by using CAK methodology, em-sculpt machine and needle-less serum.
  3. Korea STORYDERM skin management, therapy and home care products to improve and resolve different types of facial skin problems.
  4. Sales of Korea STORYDERM home care products to customers for daily needs and maintenance.
  5. Aesthetic academy for CAK aesthetic skills, technic and knowledge. To create and grow potential business opportunity and business team.
  6. Potential business development and expansion.
  7. Friendly and harmony as well as flexible working environment.

D. Aesthetic Business Information

Company Name

D. Aesthetic

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Other industries

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