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Enhanzcom Pre Ltd

Employees · Other industries

About Enhanzcom Pre Ltd


After 18 years in IT software and services for various technology solutions, the founders wanted to make a difference to make technology adoption more effective and affordable for local businesses. In 2007, after a meeting with A*STAR SIMTech, a collaborative partnership agreement was reached to develop and commercialize a software configuration platform known as FITPRISE UCA (Unified Configuration Architecture). The primary aim was to provide a software configuration platform that developers could use to create business systems (ERP, CRM, WMS, etc) in a shorter span of time.

Enhanzcom successfully launch this FITPRISE UCA software platform in 2009. Its management team with a combined IT software and industry workflow experience of more than 100 years spearheaded to bring it to the market. The team continues to grow the FITPRISE technology adoption across different industry domains in manufacturing, trading and a broad range of service companies.

Enhanzcom Pre Ltd Business Information

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Enhanzcom Pre Ltd

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Other industries

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