Hotel Gainsborough banner company

Hotel Gainsborough

Employees · Hotel / Hospitality

About Hotel Gainsborough

LIVE ON A LUXURY CRUISE SHIP AND GET PAID FOR IT!The bottom line is, people who work on these cruise ships are living the life others only dream about!!!  They:  Travel the world for free, meet people from every country, work as much as they would like, save all of their money and receive MANY BONUSES, PROMOTIONS and Pay Increases in such small time frames, eat and drink as much as they would like (24/7) Buffets, get plenty of time off to enjoy the regions, and live for FREE ON THE SHIP!!! They have the Traveling and Working aspect of life figured out all in one deal!  It is definitely the ideal work environment.  Are you interested?

Hotel Gainsborough Business Information

Company Name

Hotel Gainsborough

Company Type


Company Size


Hotel / Hospitality

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Hotel Gainsborough Company Address

7-11 Queensberry, Place, London UK London -, Malaysia