Inferno Promotions banner company

Inferno Promotions

1-50 Employees · Advertising / Marketing

About Inferno Promotions

Inferno Marketing and Design has been nurturing and developing brands for more than 15 years. Our clients range from the very big multi brand corporations to the very small sole trader. We are the biggest retail agency in Tasmania.
We focus entirely on putting businesses in touch with customers and explaining the benefits of doing business with that company.
We get all of our clients to focus on having a marketing strategy. That way, all of their marketing problems are dealt with from within the umbrella of a plan and not on an ad-hoc basis – fighting battles one by one.
Unlike most agencies however, we don’t dictate the strategy. We recognise that our customers will always know more about their business than we ever will. What we do is unlock what they know and turn it into a communications strategy – one that talks to their clients (both your existing clients and your potential clients).
We help explain to the market the benefits of doing business with you rather than just focussing on the features of what it is that you do.
We also make sure that there’s no conflict between the communications that you make to existing clients and those that you make to attract new clients, thus making sure that one doesn’t alienate the other.
When it comes to advertising and marketing, most businesses focus a lot of their attention on conquest marketing and very little attention on relationship marketing. We see this as a mistake. By having a strategy all our clients are able to adjust the percentage of conquest to relationship marketing as is required by the growth cycle of their business.
We view having a marketing strategy like building a wall of Lego® around their business. Made out of its individual blocks the wall is there to defend your business against attacks from competitors and changes within the environment outside of their business. However, at any point when the market does change and the wall needs to be shored up in a different area, because it’s made of Lego® and it is a strategy, they are able to unplug blocks from one area and reinforce them in another area. We believe this is just smart planning, allowing our clients to be both proactive and reactive at the same time - taking advantage of situations as they arise.
Our Services include:
Billboard sales + production
Banners + production
Posters + production
TV + production
Radio + production
Press + production
Website + production
Online+ production
Stationary printing+ production
Brochure printing
Newsletter printing+ production
Corporate report + production
Message on hold
Cash register rolls
Cable tv+ production
Instore video+ production
Audio+ production
Independent & local press+ production
Magazine+ production
Folders binders
Promotional items; pens, calendars, hats etc
Video footage
Model talent
Email marketing
Logo design
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Set up

Inferno Promotions Business Information

Company Name

Inferno Promotions

Company Type


Company Size



Advertising / Marketing

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website

Company Social Media

social mediasocial media

Inferno Promotions Company Address

2, Burnette Street, North Hobart - 7000, Malaysia