Kesihatan Al Khalifah banner company

Kesihatan Al Khalifah

Company SSM No 002739808-W · 1-50 Employees · Healthcare / Medical

About Kesihatan Al Khalifah

Al Khalifah Health menawarkan rawatan tulang belakang melalui teknik spinal alignment. Kami tidak menggunakan teknik urutan. Kami juga melaraskan tulang dan otot menggunakan teknik tekanan pada beberapa bahagian saraf dan ‘deep muscle’.

Kami sedang membina empayar “spinal alignment treatment” yang pertama di Malaysia.

Suasana kerja yang kondusif, positif dan pembelajaran berterusan merupakan sesuatu yang unik dan menarik buat mereka yang sentiasa mahu meningkatkan kemahiran diri.

Here at Al Khalifah we offer spinal alignment therapy technique, 1st in Malaysia. People always misinterpreted that this technique is considered as massage, until they experience it themselves that is. This technique focuses on deep muscle and certain points of nerves and we also do some stretching and bone adjustment.

We offer a conducive and positive working environment and we encourage our staffs to increase their knowledge and skills in which we also provide them with training from time to time, to ensure our customer's satisfaction.

Kesihatan Al Khalifah Business Information

Company Name

Kesihatan Al Khalifah

Company Type


Company Size



Healthcare / Medical

Company SSM No


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