Loon Tao banner company

Loon Tao

Employees · Food / Beverage

About Loon Tao

LOON TAO Restaurant is a unique concept combining a great Seafood Restaurant and an Entertainment Venue for parties such as get-togethers namely birthday parties, anniversaries, corporate functions, dances, product launches, fashion shows and weddings. To create the right atmosphere we have a 1000 sq ft. wooden dance floor that would take you to the next level of Entertainment under the stars... This is about the only beach facility that would cater to all such functions with a difference!

Loon Tao Business Information

Company Name

Loon Tao

Company Type


Company Size


Food / Beverage

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website

Loon Tao Company Address

43/12 College Avenue, Mount Lavinia, Colombo -, Malaysia