Norteous Pacific banner company

Norteous Pacific

Employees · Business / Mgmt Consulting

About Norteous Pacific

i-Office2 Sdn Bhd provides a unique management platform which has been developed specifically for provisioning, authenticating, distributing and billing IT and communication services to multi-tenant commercial, retail and residential environments. Services are distributed through a purpose-built and fully customizable Business Gateway which delivers workspace management, communications and productivity benefits, by means of a managed network, to a community or group of users.

i-Office2 Sdn Bhd is customer-focused and presents itself as a ‘Fourth Utility’ choice for business owners and managers; A smart office, with all the connectivity, communications, file management and network services the client needs, available day one. This workspace is not confined by business walls or office hours. The service changes the way people work, increasing their satisfaction level, reducing churn and retaining good people while increasing output.

Now is an opportunity for you to embark on a profession that offers unlimited possibilities and exceptional career success in an organization that values your talents and contribution.

Norteous Pacific Business Information

Company Name

Norteous Pacific

Company Type


Company Size


Business / Mgmt Consulting

Company SSM No


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