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Employees · Repair / Maintenance

About renewea

Renewea Company


Renewea is a pioneering company committed to transforming the sustainable energy landscape. Specializing in solar projects, we go beyond traditional installations, innovatively integrating solar solutions into various sectors. Our expertise extends to cutting-edge initiatives like agrivoltaics and aquavoltaics, harnessing the power of the sun to drive sustainability in agriculture and aquatic environments.


At Renewea, our mission is to revolutionize the way we harness solar energy by creating innovative and impactful projects. We are dedicated to building a greener future, one where renewable energy seamlessly integrates into diverse ecosystems, promoting environmental harmony.

Key Offerings:

Residential Solar Installations:

We empower homeowners to embrace clean energy with tailored solar panel installations, reducing their carbon footprint and energy costs.

Commercial & Industrial Solar Solutions:

Renewea excels in providing comprehensive solar solutions for businesses, industries, and institutions. Our installations are designed to enhance energy efficiency and contribute to corporate sustainability goals.

Agrivoltaics: We pioneer the fusion of agriculture and solar energy with agrivoltaic projects. By harmonizing crop cultivation and solar panel installations, we create sustainable and productive ecosystems that benefit both the environment and farmers.


Renewea leads the way in integrating solar technology with aquatic environments through aquavoltaic projects. Our initiatives focus on promoting clean energy while fostering ecological balance in water-based ecosystems.Values:Innovation: We continually explore new frontiers in renewable energy, pushing the boundaries of what's possible to create pioneering solutions.


Environmental responsibility is at the core of everything we do. Our projects are designed to minimize ecological impact and maximize long-term sustainability.


We believe in the power of collaboration—working closely with clients, partners, and communities to achieve shared goals and create lasting positive change.

Renewea is not just a solar installation company; we are the architects of a sustainable energy future. Join us on this journey towards a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable world.

renewea Business Information

Company Name


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Company Size


Repair / Maintenance

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