ViXS Systems, Inc. banner company

ViXS Systems, Inc.

Employees · IT / Software

About ViXS Systems, Inc.

This successful candidate will be responsible for the design, development and certification of audio encoding and decoding algorithms. These algorithms might be implemented as software/DSP algorithm or translated into dedicated hardware logic. The ideal candidate will have an in-depth working experience in audio processing and developed expertise in C, assembly and DSP optimization. Furthermore this individual must able to excel in a team working environment. A minimum of 5 years experience in software development will be required.

ViXS Systems, Inc. Business Information

Company Name

ViXS Systems, Inc.

Company Type


Company Size


IT / Software

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website

ViXS Systems, Inc. Company Address

245 Consumers Rd, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Malaysia